
So I’m here. Quite surprised I’m here. Under my own volition only because the person I emailed about helping me, never quite got back to me and my hairdresser, Pete, said just Youtube it. You can do it! he said. So I did, and I have, and I’m here. Shit.

It should be novel-y and a bit horse-y but there’s three birds I need to mention first. Just this week we crossed paths.

StoryBird One – two blackbirds on power line above, as I’m walking Chaps below. Perhaps they leaned in for a kiss. A loud zzzzzzzzz and one falls to the ground, dead. Its shocked mate swoops down to inspect.

StoryBird Two – two magpies this time. I pass in the car and they’re on the nature strip. One lies on its back barely lifting its head. The other pulls at its wing.

StoryBird Three – behind our shed up the ladder right at the very top is a small nest with the smallest of birds making a home. I step backwards and smile and leave it be.

Welcome to this wonderful new space. I’m not sure how it’ll go. But now that we’re here, there’s no going back. Chat soon! x

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